Two Minds & You

There are light and darkness in each and every one of our minds, it takes a tremendous amount of training, discipline and practice to decipher the opposite characteristics of both hemisphere of our minds. The mind is the electrical powerhouse that supercharges and operates the whole body, negative and positive resistance will always be present anywhere you find electricity. The balanced mind is when the three of you have a conversation that re-focuses your universe in alignment with the triune collective purpose. WHEN ALL ELEMENTS ARE LINED UP TOGETHER NOTHING CAN STAND ON IT’S WAY Be self-boosting and a motivating, disregard self-esteem eroding vices that make you want to give away your willpower, remember you are a combination of electrons, chemicals of all kinds that keep your body alive and well, you are not ordinary as the event will like you to portray yourself. There is no obstacle strong enough to hold you back from attaining your life purpose and desires. You cannot really function in your full potential capacity until there is a common ground in your mentality. Check within yourself and notice the ongoing raging conflict taking place in your mind space, it is the battle of will and will not syndromes. Consciousness is light and sub-consciousness is darkness. Your life will become greater when you can harness both hemispheres of the power of your mind. Combining the force of your two minds will shoot your performances higher in no distant time. However, failure to establish functional for each of them is holding us back from reaching the peak of our performances. The mission of this project is to harmonize the power of your two minds in cooperative functions that sharpen each other to be the best that we exist to attain.