
I learned a lot the night my cheating fiancĂ© called off our wedding: 1. A cheater’s gonna cheat no matter how smart you are, how charming you act, or how hot your bod is. 2. Nothing eases the pain of a broken heart like a late-night donut delivery from a hot guy like Liam Evans 3. Said donuts and a pitcher of margaritas do not mix well. 4. Drunkenly declaring that a hot guy is your best friend will not make your tingly bits chill out. Somehow, my drunken decree making Liam Evans my best friend works and we decide to open a food truck together—The Dump Truck
 a late-night junk food truck servicing the broken-hearted. With our new business venture and the rocky relationship between his brother and my sister, a friendship between us is as far as it can go
 until a national broadcast claims that we’re a couple. Now the whole world thinks we’re madly in love, and The Dump Truck business is booming as a result. And as our make-believe relationship gets all too real, I’m finding that breaking up has never been so sweet...