
The Reality Beneath Book 2: Going Sideways On Life


The Reality Beneath Book II Going Sideways on Life is a sequel to Johnson’s first book of short stories, The Reality Beneath - Old Fashioned Reality in the Modern word. It contains a completely new set of short stories written in the unique genre that he is known for. It is an insightful mixture of speculative fiction, science fiction, and fantasy. The stories take a look at things we believe we know and understand in a new way. This gets us to think about the world that surrounds us in a new way to reveal a new understanding.

This book contains:

El Caja


Eve of Mars

A Virtual Affair

The Gift

Man of The Mansion

The Object

A Virtual War

The Horror By Definition

The Dark Man

The Enclosure

The House In the Woods

The Book

Here is a short sample of some of the storylines

A boy finds an object he does not understand that brings up questions few people ask. A city-state is created to regulate the factual acuity of information, but human nature puts it to the test. A civilization is found on Mars that makes people ask questions about the short history of human colonization. A man creates an object that creates ultimate pleasure, and it reveals the nature of man. A crazy old man teaches the world about the nature of society.

Narrated by

SULI Daniel Johnson

Rachel Cheesmen

Adam Deringer

Alexander Von Bergman

Jack Nolan

SULI Daniel Johnson has a unique style. It is a mixture of speculative fiction, science fiction, and fantasy. Johnson sets his stories in differing settings and time periods. Some are in the future, some in the past. Some are no place at all. He creates a storyline to explore different perspectives many don’t often consider.