
The Bookshop of Second Chances : The most uplifting story of fresh starts and new beginnings you'll read this year!

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Set in a charming little Scottish town, The Bookshop of Second Chances is the most uplifting story you'll read this Winter, by a hugely talented debut author.

Thea’s having a bad month. Not only has she been made redundant, she’s also discovered her husband of nearly twenty years is sleeping with one of her friends. And he’s not sorry – he’s leaving.

Bewildered and lost, Thea doesn’t know what to do. But, when she learns the great-uncle she barely knew has died and left her his huge collection of second-hand books and a house in the Scottish Lowlands, she seems to have been offered a second chance.

Running away to a little town where no one knows her seems like exactly what Thea needs. But when she meets the aristocratic Maltravers brothers – grumpy bookshop owner Edward and his estranged brother Charles, Lord Hollinshaw – her new life quickly becomes just as complicated as the life she was running from...

An enchanting story of Scottish lords, second-hand books, new beginnings and second chances perfect for fans of Cressida McLaughlin, Veronica Henry, Rachael Lucas and Jenny Colgan.

UpplÀsare: Eilidh Beaton


38 recensioner



En bok som utspelar sig i en bokhandel i Skottland - det kan vĂ€l inte slĂ„ fel? I det hĂ€r fallet: nej, det kan det inte.  En hĂ€rlig feelgood med huvudkaraktĂ€rer som lagt bĂ„de 20- och 30-Ă„rsĂ„ldern bakom sig. Perfekt som semesterlĂ€sning i hĂ€ngmattan eller solstolen (eller soffan om det rĂ„kar regna)! Möjligen att den kunde ha komprimerats nĂ„got, men det Ă€r inte vĂ€rre Ă€n att man kanske skummar över en del stycken nĂ€r man kĂ€nner att “hmmm, same, same



Jag tycker om att historien utspelar sig i Skottland