
Saranormal: Haunted Memories


Sara Collins is a normal 12 year old girl with an abnormal secret: she is psychic. Sara has had her abilities for as long as she can remember, but she doesn't like to talk about them. She hopes that if she ignores them, they might go away. Sara wants nothing more than to have a normal life, and to her "normal" doesn't include anything paranormal.

Sara has settled in to her new hometown, and even made a good friend in Lily Randazzo. Now it's time to start school, and Sara has her first psychic vision. In the vision, she sees herself with a cute boy she's never seen before. The vision is so powerful that Sara feels shaken to the core. When she starts school a few days later she meets the boy from her vision. His name is Jayden Mendes, and Sara knows with complete certainty that this boy is destined to be her first boyfriend. But there's something else Sara knows about Jayden... he has a ghostly companion who stays by his side at all time. The ghost seems intent on keeping Sara and Jayden apart. What secrets does Jayden hold? Who is this ghost, and what is his problem with Sara? It's a lot for Sara to navigate around while also falling in love for the first time!