
Reduce Anxiety : A Meditation and Affirmations Collection to Manage Anxiety and Increase Inner Peace


Anxiety manifests itself in many forms and for many different reasons, from chronic self-consciousness in social situations to stress-induced panic attacks. Learning to manage your anxiety throughout life is important so that it doesn’t keep you from doing what you love.

This collection has been designed to tame your worried thoughts and emotions.

This collection can help you:

Relieve anxiety effortlessly Reduce stress Start feeling better now Feel more centered Be more present

The audiobook includes:

‱Chapters 1 to 2: Meditations Chapters 3 to 10: Daytime Affirmations

‱ Chapters 11 to 14: Subliminal Affirmations

Listen to the subliminal affirmations on a low volume either before or during sleep.

Find your balance and make relaxation a regular part of your routine. The more room you make for inner calm, the more it will fill you up.