
Old Peter's Russian Tales: 20+ Traditional Children's Stories: Baba Yaga, The Golden Fish, Sadko, Frost, Little Master Misery…


Old Peter's Russian Tales is a collection of the greatest Russian folk-tales for children. The first chapter tells of Maroosia and Vanya who live in a hut of pine logs in the forest with their grandfather, the forester Old Peter. This story is followed by twenty stories that Russian peasants tell their children told by Old Peter to Maroosia and Vanya.

Table of Contents:

The Hut in the Forest

The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Transparent Apple



The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship

Baba Yaga

The Cat who became Head-Forester

Spring in the Forest

The Little Daughter of the Snow

Prince Ivan, the Witch Baby, and the Little Sister of the Sun

The Stolen Turnips, the Magic Tablecloth, the Sneezing Goat, and the Wooden Whistle

Little Master Misery

A Chapter of Fish

The Golden Fish

Who Lived in the Skull?

Alenoushka and her Brother

The Fire-Bird, the Horse of Power, and the Princess Vasilissa

The Hunter and his Wife

The Three Men of Power—Evening, Midnight, and Sunrise


The Christening in the Village