
My Secret Life, Vol. 6 Chapter 14


My Secret Life is the longest erotic autobiography ever written. Penned anonymously during the 1800s by a wealthy English gentleman called Walter, it offers an eye and thigh opening account of life behind closed doors in the Victorian era. Banned from publication for its extreme and explicit content for nearly a century, My Secret Life has now come to life in the 21st century as an immersive audio book, narrated and scored by film composer Dominic Crawford Collins.

Volume 6 Chapter 14

At B**I*n. ‱ A meet in a street. ‱ A mysterious lady. ‱ A long walk. ‱ The carpet hung out. ‱ "You are Englishman." ‱ My reward. ‱ To Scotland. ‱ The G***c*w dye-works. ‱ The bare legged fore-woman. ‱ In search of a brothel. ‱ My noble spout. ‱ White flesh and red hair. ‱ Private instructions in dyeing. ‱ A horse collar cunt. ‱ Unusual continence. ‱ At D**d*e. ‱ A mill- hand with naked feet. ‱ "By the sodjers' barracks." ‱ The old mon's hut. ‱ Janet in bed, simple and indecent. ‱ "The sodgers' Whures." ‱ Sister Ruth in the fog. ‱ A convenient wall. ‱ An uprighter.