
Pride and Prejudice

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In this classic 19th century story of love battling pride, we meet Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth is a smart, well-rounded woman, and she is one of five unmarried daughters of the country gentleman, Mr. Bennet, a country gentleman. Marriage is at the forefront Mrs. Bennet's mind, especially since her elderly husband's estate will not pass down to any of their daughters. The Bennets' small town is in an uproar when two highborn, eligible gentlemen, Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy, come to stay. Mr. Bingley takes and instant liking to the eldest Bennet daughter, Jane. Elizabeth's prideful self does not realize her life is about to change when she meets the intolerable Mr. Darcy, who will make her questions her sensibilities.

UpplÀsare: Rosalyn Landor


116 recensioner



Fantastiskt inlÀst. VÀldigt likt hur dialogen framstÀlls i den berömda bbc-serien, det uppskattades! /Very well read, very much like the famous bbc-series. Wonderful!



Underbar! Och mycket bra inlÀst! Rekommenderas!



Up until the 70% mark, the book is really long and hard to follow/keep listening to. After that, it gets interesting. The story is cute, but the execution is a little long winded. I recommend maybe watching one of the movie adaptations instead, if you just want to be familiar with the story.