
A Darker Shade of Magic

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A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC, is the incredible first instalment of the Shades of Magic series, from #1 New York Times bestselling author V.E. Schwab.

Most people only know one London; but what if there were several? Kell is one of the last Travelers—magicians with a rare ability to travel between parallel Londons. There's Grey London, dirty and crowded and without magic, home to the mad king George III. There's Red London, where life and magic are revered. Then, White London, ruled by whoever has murdered their way to the throne. But once upon a time, there was Black London...

"A Darker Shade of Magic has all the hallmarks of a classic work of fantasy. Schwab has given us a gem of a tale..."- DEBORAH HARKENESS

UpplÀsare: Steven Crossley


321 recensioner



Such a good read with amazing world and character building which really draws you in. The story is just as compelling and albeit a bit predictable, absolutely worth the read!



Slow start but once it gets going you just can’t stop



En enkel men vÀlskriven fantasy, LÀtt att tycka om karaktÀrerna och vÀlberÀttat. Dock saknas mer komplexa och underliggande perspektiv typ etik/moral, psykologi/personlighet liksom kring strategi/makt/tid eller andra typiska aspekter fantasy brukar ha En trevlig story men inget för den mer intellektuellt intresserade fantasy-lÀsaren.