
The Fine Art of Decision Making



At the very heart of being a great and effective leader is the mastery of an invaluable and necessary skill: making sound judgment calls which result in beneficial decisions. Without practicing and perfecting this ability, the one in the leadership position will never realize his or her full potential in the position they are in, or in any position above it.

Leaders who play an integral and productive role as they stand are able to remain calm, keep their thoughts in order, and push any temptation to react with emotion aside. They are able to make a quality decision under pressure and in the face of questionable circumstances without doubting themselves or second-guessing the choice they make. They remain consistently constant, even when the situation being dealt with appears to be nothing but chaos. They observe, assess, decide, and follow through to the end.

When taking leadership and decisions into joint consideration, it is easy to notice the fact that there are those in positions of authority who simply do not possess the skills it takes to make effective judgments and choices. On the flip side, others seem to not only make decisions with ease, they do it well, applying wisdom, considering the potential outcomes, and acting accordingly. A leader of quality has already mapped out his life and career strategy, and is working at it consistently. They are prepared to handle the dilemmas which present themselves, and they have practiced using a calm affect to their advantage. They have designed a solidified a blue print and are applying methods daily to stay within the structure intended.




The Art of Making Superior Judgment Calls

Aspect I: Sources

Educated Knowledge of Stakeholders

Draw in Members of the Board for Training & Workshops

Contribute to your Community while Conducting Business

Consider Human and Environmental Capital

Get your Council in on the Action

Training Academies and Seminars

External & Internal Stakeholder Council

Groups in the Community

Customers or Clients

Groups with Special Interest

Supply Providers

Agencies which Establish and set Regulations

Those Partnering Corporately

Associations with other Industries

Those with Investment Interests

Union Organizations

Aspect 2: Time

Step 1: Preparation

Step II: Making the Call

Step III: The Follow Through

You must have Exceptional Integrity & Profound Courage

The Use of Visualization when making Decisions

You will Encounter “Re-dos”

Aspect III: Area of Domain

Strategic Judgment Calls

Tell a Great Story

Where are we at now?

Where do we want to go?

What method of transportation are we using to get there?

Be “Teachable”

Gather information


Follow through

Step One: Gathering Information

Step Two: Decide

Step Three: Follow Through

Strategies for use with Individuals


People carry around what is said to them

Human Dynamics

Preparation when dealing with people

Decide on the call you are making

Follow through

Making Decisions during Crises

Commit to use the crisis for good.

Have a team ready.

Keep a teachable perspective and have a story ready to go