
40 days and nights


That my heart’s voice called from a place within where I could not ignore it, or that its tone often played a melody completely different to the melody of others, was something I understood early on.

Whether this was my karma’s payback or my blessing was not yet known to me.

Neither did I understand that my journey from “person” to conscious presence had begun already long ago.

I did not know, either, what I was getting myself into.

The only thing I knew for sure was that, despite my protesting mind, my flagging steps were directed towards a sailboat destined to cross the Indian Ocean.

A book where you get to follow a challenging time in someone’s life, when deep reflections on the existence and purpose of humanity arise. A book full of wisdom, insights and excitement. A book that is written to be experienced not only with the mind, but also with the soul / heart.

Reviews of Iren Rinmad’s acclaimed debut novel, ”TigerLily, early spring bloom”

Book blogger - Ebbas bokhylla

(Ebbas Bookshelf)

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”An incredibly beautiful book”

I read through the book in a single evening. Amazingly beautifully written, with many lovely reflections on life. A book with great presence and energy. I absolutely recommend this book to everyone wanting to read a slightly different novel with verve and zing, as well as deep thoughts.

Book blogger - Bibliofilian

(The Bibliophile)

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”One of my favorite books of 2018”

One of my favorite books in 2018 was ”TigerLily, Early Spring Blooming.” A book the author herself describes as ”spiritual fiction.” It is the wonderful story of TigerLily, who lives a hectic life in New York but has begun to feel something is missing. Is this truly what is most important in life?

Book blogger - I min bokhylla

(On my Bookshelf)

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”Well-written and exciting”

A very nice book that describes the beautiful within the small; and makes us pause and wonder. Well-designed characters in a story containing both wisdom and insight, as well as humor. Both well-written and exciting.


1 recension



Den bÀsta bok jag lÀst pÄ lÀnge! Solklar topp 10! Det kÀndes som om jag sjÀlv var med pÄ segelbÄten och upplevde varje saltsÀnkt vÄg, varje stjÀrnfall, varje andetag av smÀrta i de brutna revbenen och allt Val i boken upplevde. Detta var inte bara berÀttelsen om en resa över Indiska Oceanen utan den djupare resan inÄt. Reflektioner som Àr beskrivna pÄ ett otroligt vackert och levande sÀtt och som talar till mitt eget hjÀrta. Boken Àr hÀndelserik och spÀnnande samtidigt som den gör mig lugn och harmonisk och jag kunde inte lÀgga ifrÄn mig den-ville inte att den skulle ta slut. Jag tÀnker pÄ att den hÀr lilla flickan med sönderslagen kropp, i ett mycket svagt fysiskt skick helt plötsligt finner sig i en situation och pÄ en upptÀckts-resa som visar att hon besitter en styrka och storhet lÄngt bortom det fysiska. Iren visar oss med sina vackra beskrivningar av Val's reflektioner vilken skatt som finns inom oss alla. Jag kan Àrligt sÀga att denna bok berörde mig och mitt hjÀrta pÄ samma sÀtt som Paolo Coelho och Robin Sharma gjort med sina böcker. Jag kan starkt rekommendera denna boken!